

Session 1

1000 – 1100

Fun & engaging warm up activities

1100 – 1115


Session 2

1115 – 1215

Attacking skill practices in a range of scenarios

1215 – 1245


Session 3

1245 – 1345

Defensive skill practices in a range of scenarios

1345 – 1400


Session 4

1400 – 1500

Games based applying skills in a match or tournament

Before the camp:

  • Sports kit (shorts & t-shirt etc.)
  • Trainers with good support are recommended in netball.
  • Please make sure children bring a full drinks bottle and a packed lunch, with plenty of snacks.
  • Please make sure your child has any medication, such as an asthma inhaler, with them if required.
  • We ask that long hair is tied back and finger nails are kept short. All jewellery should be removed.
  • All sessions will plan take place outside.
  • Please check the weather forecast in case extra clothing such as gloves, tracksuit and/or waterproof jacket are required. In warmer weather please consider a hat and the application of sun cream prior to the class.
  • We advise your child has had some breakfast and been to the toilet before arriving to the class.
  • Please only bring essential personal belongings as we take no responsibility for the loss, damage, or theft such items.

Arrival to the camp:

  • Please arrive in good time, but no earlier than 10 minutes before the camp.
  • We will register your child at the start of the first session.
  • Please let us know at this point if there are any health issues to be aware of with your child that we do not already know about.

During the camp:

  • Parents/carers are welcome to stay and watch the camp if they wish, but we ask that you remain outside the playing area, so that the children can fully engage with their coach in the camp.
  • You do not need to stay for camp, but we ask that you return on time for collection if you do leave.
  • Please do not take photos or videos of the children during the camp.

After the camp:

  • At the end of the camp your child will be walked to the entrance of the courts.
  • Reception to Year 6 will only be allowed to leave once the parent/carer is there.
  • Children in Year 7 to 10 will be allowed to leave on their own unless you have informed us otherwise.
  • In circumstances where you have an unforeseen delay please text us with the name of your child and a brief outline of the situation.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at info@pivotalnetball.com

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